In the heart of Rochester, at the Kodak Center Theater, a magical night unfolded as Loreena McKennitt, a powerhouse of Celtic-infused, Folk World music, graced the stage. Her performance was more than just a concert; she is a conduit of higher vibrations that wash over the soul, open the heart, and elevate the spirit.
Loreena’s music is transformative on its own, but when experienced live, it reaches an entirely new level. Her vocals seem to float on the soundwaves like the ethereal voice of a Celtic fairy; her harp or piano compliment and carry those vocals powerfully through out the entire theater. Backed by her highly skilled band, the whole performance was nothing short of a mesmerizing journey. The fiddler and cello solos, resonating with passion, and did not go unnoticed by the crowd. The blend of string instruments, piano, accordion, and wooden recorder created an unique and captivating tapestry of sound.
Between songs, Loreena wove tales of Ancient Celtic History and shared her adventures exploring Europe. Her clever puns about photography and the Kodak Theater added a touch of whimsy to the evening. But it was her personal connection to the region that truly resonated. As a Canadian, she revealed her fondness for the area, describing how she often spent time on the other side of the lake, gazing at the lights of Rochester, NY. Her personal anecdotes drew the audience closer, creating an atmosphere of shared experiences.
“The Visit Revisited Tour” is currently sweeping through 23 American cities in the U.S. Northeast and parts of the Midwest, Loreena’s mesmerizing performances are captivating audiences at every turn. In the spring of 2024, the tour embarks on a new chapter, spanning 10 countries in Europe and the U.K. With many dates already selling out, securing your tickets early is highly recommended.
The night spent with Loreena McKennitt at the Kodak Theater was an experience in itself. Her music, stories, and connection to the audience created an unforgettable evening that left a lasting impact. For those seeking a transformative journey through the realms of Celtic-infused folk music, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Loreena McKennitt’s enchantment transcends mere music; it’s a profound connection to the heart and soul.